Assessment: The Killing Joke

1. What is the reaction to the text you just read?

Well I have a basic knowledge of the Batman universe, but I haven't read or heard about this one. I always enjoy an origin story, even though everything about this episode is so heavy handed and dark that it puts a bad taste in your mouth, but I still like it. I do enjoy seeing the contrast of the Joker's former self, sniveling, weak, wannabe comedian and his transformation is astounding and utterly painful to see the things that made the Joker, the Joker. Which makes all his conniving actions in the future so hurtful and contrasting from the glimpse we see of  him the past,  we see the poor man who he was before and the creature he has developed into. I think the concept of the story is really interesting, in the fact Batman wants to dialogue with the Joker. Maybe to understand him or just to see some common ground, in the fact they will be each others end it must be acknowledged.

2. What connections did you make with the story? discuss the elements of the work that connected to you.

I found that I connected to the pre-jokerized Joker storyline. Being introduced to his wife and his family-life was painful to read and to absorb, because he has the best intentions for his family, but he is always followed by failure and disappointment. Hoping to provide for his family by trying to follow his dream, to be a comedian, but overall being disappointed and let down by failure. I sympathize in seeing this, to see a man knowing the condition he's in and try to follow his dream and still provide to his growing family. It hurts to see this person fail, wishing the travesties that life has thrown at him would not continue, but it does time and time again, which brings everything in his life tumbling down. I pity this man, but respect his effort to provide and I see the love he has for his family, which connects me more into the story.

3. What changes would you make if you were to adapt this for another medium? What medium?

If I were to adapt this into a cartoon. I would have to take away most of the mature torture elements, like commissioner Gordon being stripped naked and being forced to look at naked pictures of his daughter, stuff in that ballpark, a powerful image, but less than ideal. This probably wouldn't be able to be made if we're taking the other Batman adaptations into account,  in comparison to all the other batman cartoons this storyline is epically dark and sinister. Overall the story should probably be taken back a few notches to relate to more age ranges and audiences. Rewrite the psychopathic monologue of the Batman killer, and imply Batman is murdered by making the audience imply more by not showing them every single thing.


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